Giving it your all
Good nutrition means different things to different people. We all have our unique individual preferences, goals and diets.
However, eat well and you’ll perform well. It’s as easy as that.
This mantra applies even when you’re training and competing — make sure you eat enough, but not too much, to get enough energy right from the start, drink enough liquids throughout, and top up your amino acids every two to three hours so your muscles can keep on going. If you’ve only scheduled a light training session, be it at the gym or outdoors, all you need is water and, if you really break
out a sweat, an isotonic beverage like ISOTONE.

“Carbs are the body’s main fuel during physical exertion. Energy
efficiency, effort, performance are key, and the carbs found in the CHO MAXX formula, the PANFORTE energy bars, and the hydrogels allow the body to work at maximum output!”
-Groupama-FDJ Cycling team